Registration is Open for summer 2025!

  • Register through our easy-to-use online portal now!

    Please note: We are using a NEW registration software in 2025! Everyone will need to create a new account, even if your camper attended Wanakee in 2024.

  • If you need assistance with registration, please email the office.

  • See Wanakee’s 2025 Family Handbook (.pdf file)

  • For information about camp scholarships, please email the office for a confidential conversation. For 2025, Campership Applications will be processed through the registration system. We want to partner with you and your family to make camp happen in 2025!


Camp staff siblings at Wanakee

#CountDownToCamp Discount: Up to $100 off

Register your camper by February 28 and receive $100 off their camp fee for a full week of camp or $50 off for a half week.

Register your camper by March 31 and receive $50 off their camp fee for a full week of camp or $25 off for a half week.

Register your camper by April 30 and receive $25 off their camp fee for a full week of camp or $10 off for a half week.

Multi-week Discount: $100 off

Register your camper for a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th full-week overnight session and receive $100 off. For example, if your child comes to 3 weeks of camp, they will receive $100 off their second session and $100 off their third session.

This discount is only available after a full week of camp (or two half weeks). The discount will be available proportionally ($50) for half week camps after one full week. Email in order to have this discount applied to an account.

Paid in Full Discount: 5% off

New for 2025! Pay your balance in full before 5/31/25 and receive 5% off your household total. The discount will be removed from accounts on 6/1/25 and the full balance will be due.

Sibling Discount: $50 off

Register your campers and receive $50 off for each sibling that attends Wanakee in 2025. Email in order to have this discount applied to an account.


Finances should never stop a child from having a camp experience. For the 2025 camp season, campership applications will be processed through our registration system. If you need assistance, please contact the office for a confidential conversation about campership opportunities.

Don’t forget the deposit

A $100.00 non-refundable deposit per camp program must be submitted at the time of registration to hold your camper’s spot.

Checks should be payable to “Wanakee.” The balance is due three weeks prior to the start of the camper’s program.

Wanakee retains the right to cancel any registration if a deposit has not been paid within 2 weeks of enrollment or June 15th, whichever comes first.

Processing of payment does not guarantee placement in a specific camp program.

Cancellations and refunds

Sunset at camp chapel

If an event is canceled by Wanakee, we will help you select another event, otherwise, you may be entitled to a full refund.

If you cancel your registration, you will receive a refund excluding the $100 deposit. Wanakee incurs expenses in preparing for registered campers. Cancellation and refund requests should be sent to Wanakee in writing at least 30 days before the event begins.

What happens after I register?

Following online registration, you will receive an email acknowledging that your registration has been completed and detailing the remaining balance (due three weeks before your event). Please submit camper(s) health information in our secure online portal. All health paperwork must be submitted through the online portal. No paper forms will be accepted.

We will send you additional information between now and the start of camp.

Other Important Information

Female and male camp staff giving thumbs up

Campers are to fully participate in entire event, arriving at check-in and staying until check-out.

Health Form: New Hampshire requires campers to have physical exams by a health care professional (HCP) within two years of arrival at camp. Signatures of parent/guardian and HCP are necessary. The form will be sent to you with the registration acknowledgement, and can be uploaded in our secure registration portal along with immunization records.

All events are co-ed

Check-in time: Your program will be assigned a check in time between 2:00PM - 4:00 PM for the first day of your event. This time will be assigned the week before the session begins.

Check-out time: All programs end at 10 AM on Saturday (or 10 AM Wednesday for partial-week camps). The only exceptions to this are Night Camp and Ultimate Night Camp, which will check-out at 7 PM on Friday, July 18th, 2025, and Happy Feet, Treasure Hunters, Project Green, and Wanakee: Unsolved which will check-out at 7 PM on Friday, August 15th, 2025. Checkout for LIT Part 2 is Saturday, August 16th at 4pm following the Wanakee Wilderness 5K.


Wanakee events are available to persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, pregnancy, or political orientation. For accessibility questions and support, contact Wanakee at 603-279-7950.