Camp Activities
Wanakee offers over over 30 different camp programs for all ages; each day is different depending upon the event.
We are committed to a unique, small-group experience, ideal for building meaningful relationships. Each day, campers live, eat, explore, play, and pray with friends in their site. By the end of the week, sites feel a lot like family.
While several events are held in the same week, you never get lost in the crowd; your small group is always with you.
All events have swimming, hiking, games, campfires, 9-square, Morning Watch, and outdoor cooking.
Depending upon age and the event you registered for, activities may also include drama or music rehearsal, ropes course, canoeing, sailing, rock climbing, crafts, off-site trips, overnight campouts, and more.
Wanakee games are non-competitive to better facilitate relationships and teamwork.
Meals are special events at Wanakee, where we typically serve family-style and campers get to enjoy a variety of different foods.
At each meal, a specific site is assigned to lead a singing grace before the meal and songs afterwards. That site will then help sweep the Dining Hall and wash dishes.
Wanakee is a musical place. Following every meal, the assigned site leads the entire dining hall in singing songs, some inspirational, some crazy.
Singing is also popular around the campfire. We have so much fun, campers of all singing styles join in!
Several times per week, campers enjoy cooking their food over the campfire.
Favorites include pancakes, hearty pasta stir-fry, tin foil babies, dough-boys and the best pizza ever! (You'll have to come to camp to discover campfire pizza.)
Some camp events include trips off-site for rock climbing, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing, a visit to the Squam Lakes Science Center, or other fun places.
Each site has its own campfire for songs, stories and meaningful discussions. Don't forget S'mores at the end of the week!
Our weekly final-night Wanakee tradition is the singing of "Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia; Praise ye the Lord" all the way up and back down the hill. You just have to be there. You'll never forget it!
Wanakee events are available to persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. For accessibility questions and support, contact Wanakee at 603-279-7950.