Volunteers Needed
Volunteers needed
Volunteers are an essential piece of Wanakee’s identity, history, and operations. What makes them mission-critical?
They bring fresh ideas and energy in support of the camper experience and to the benefit of institutional growth and improvement
They bring professional skillsets critical to our missional and business goals (we need pastors, architects, designers, accountants, chefs, nurses, painters, cleaners, leaf-rakers, educators, marketers, and more)
They make Wanakee more accessible to all families (we are a non-profit camp, and our weekly rates are less than half of the industry average – a week at Wanakee starts at $330, the industry average is $690)
This ministry would not be possible without volunteers.
Volunteering at Wanakee is also fun and meaningful! I can speak from experience; between 2012 and 2015, I served as a volunteer committee member, spent 7 weeks at camp as a counselor and event director, attended work days, and helped in the kitchen during the Homecoming BBQ. Many of those experiences remain among my all-time-favorite Wanakee memories, right alongside many of my best moments as a camper. Helping at camp isn’t always easy, but it is worth it. Here are some reasons why:
Volunteers change lives. Come to camp for an hour or a summer; you’ll see what I mean.
Camp people are fun people. You will not be bored, you will be included.
It feels good to help others.
Volunteering helps YOU. Build your personal network, professional network, new skillsets, and/or resume. Event directing and committee membership will always be part of my professional narrative – make them part of yours.
Who does camp need? You! Here are some ways to help:
Short term (7 days or less)
Brendan Loveland, volunteer counselor 2008, 2012-2016, and campers prepare to go canoeing.
Direct a week of camp! We have themes for all interests; nature themed programs with eight 2nd graders (4 days), adventure camps with 12 middle-schoolers (7 days), sports camps with 40 young people ages 10 to 18 (7 days), and everything in between. We are ALWAYS looking for new programming ideas.
Be a volunteer nurse! Our dedicated pool of volunteer nurses keep campers safe, get a break from their routine, connect closely with the amazing summer staff, and witness their kids (or friends’ kids) making some of their best childhood memories.
Be a volunteer counselor! Counseling is tremendously demanding and tremendously rewarding. Support is needed for full and half week events across all ages and activities. This is the best way to take a deep dive into what Wanakee is best at – summer camp!
Bring a mission team! With adequate prior planning, you and your team can tackle projects essential to Wanakee’s sustainability. Past groups renovated the outdoor chapel, installed new doors on the farmhouse, built changing rooms at the waterfront, and more.
Lend your energy and expertise in a leadership role on one of our five Committees and/or Board of Directors. Typically, Board members are invited from those serving on our committees after an individual maintains a consistent commitment, the board identifies a needed skill set, and a number of candidates are considered.
Become a “Wanakee Booster” in your church/community. Is there anyone in your congregation advocating for the life-changing experiences provided by a week of Christian camping? Could that person be you? Time spent at Wanakee is often bedrock to an individuals faith walk and church engagement. Camping is a highly effective way to support and/or build an engaged multi-generational church.
Make an ongoing commitment to an area of need. We can use regular maintenance (mowing, brush removal, plowing, light repairs etc), cleaning, administrative support, and more!
Short term (one day or less)
New stairs for the Dining Hall loading dock, built and installed on Wanakee Work Day, Oct. 8, 2016.
Come to a work day in the spring or fall and help open and close camp. Lunch is provided and all abilities are welcome. Come as an individual, family, church group, or workplace. Spring days are usually the 1st Saturdays in May and June, fall work days are typically in October.
Schedule a volunteer day. In 2016, we welcomed high schoolers from Bow High School and the New Hampton School, among others.
Help with the Wanakee Wilderness 5K/BBQ. This event takes an army: we need help directing runners, staffing water stations, taking photos, grilling chicken, and more. (We also need year-round support publicizing and preparing for the big day!)
Office/clerical work – answer the phone, help with database management, organize/shred files, compile mailings etc.
Do outreach on behalf of Wanakee at churches and elsewhere – we can provide materials and/or ideas! All you’d need to do is make the time.
At home
Create something “campy” that can be auctioned off at our Homecoming Silent Auction (paintings, pottery, quilts, homemade syrup/jam etc)
Scan old photos of Wanakee and share with camp for newsletters/social media
Encourage a friend or family member to attend a week of summer programming
Share posts from Wanakee’s Social Media to help spread the word about camp!
Do any of these pique your interest? Do you want to learn more? Reach out and contact us to start the conversation and get your questions answered, or give us a call at 603-279-7950. The Program Committee is starting to map out the 2017 summer schedule this week.
Wanakee’s sustainability depends on your engagement – will you answer the call?
Grace and Peace,
James Tresner, Executive Director