Generosity Makes an Impact: The New Rec Hall Septic System
Generosity Makes an Impact: The New Rec Hall Septic System
View of the new leach field from the roof of the Rec Hall (note packages of shingles on roof for the new roof project, too)
Previously, we shared a bit about two notable facilities improvements completed at Wanakee this year through the generosity of donors and volunteers (you can read about the Rec Hall roof here and our new 15-passenger van here). We want to share one more facilities story from 2019 - the new septic system that was installed on the Rec Hall in May/June 2019.
When the Rec Hall septic system failed during summer 2018, it was a daunting challenge. The building is charming, important, and historic (1930s era), and has been a critical fixture of life at Wanakee since 1961. Extending the life of the Rec Hall is also increasingly complex and costly. We knew we needed the Rec Hall for at least another 5-10 years, but how much investment would be “too much” for a space that has an uncertain future?
The trench for the pump line, which runs from the northeast corner of the Rec Hall out beyond Whale Rock.
Wanakee’s Board voted unanimously to convert the septic system failure into an opportunity. The choice was made to install a new system that would be “overbuilt” for the building as it is today. It includes a 2,500 gallon tank and pump chamber, plus a leach field rated for 30 beds, more than the Rec Hall sleeps. At this size, the field could be used for the 4-season retreat building we envision to replace the Rec Hall’s core functions (with the addition of a small commercial kitchen). Either way, we either have a septic system that will last longer because it can handle more than it will be used for, or we have already funded and built the first part of a new building. The funds expended here started as a reactive necessity, and ended as a proactive investment.
The project cost $25,000, including design, permitting, materials, and installation. We were able to tackle the project thanks to donors to Friends of Wanakee, as well as the members of the Hannah Tenney Memorial United Methodist Church, who voted to donate a portion of the proceeds from the 2015 sale of their building to support Wanakee’s mission of serving all God’s people. Thank you to all our committed supporters!
The new leach field, nearing completion. You can see the pumphouse and 9-square out across the field.