A 10-Year Letter From Nicole Richards
Dear Wanakee Family,
Adirondack Chairs on Whale Rock at Sunset
Almost a year ago, I wrote a blog post as Wanakee’s outgoing Board chair having recently passed the baton to Kevin Drew, where I shared some of my thankfuls and hopefuls for this important ministry. This time last year, Wanakee’s Board really couldn’t be sure whether we’d be welcoming campers back on site in 2021 and what that would mean for Wanakee’s ministry. We danced a familiar dance from spring 2020 waiting for more information, waiting for guidance so we could determine whether we’d open for residential camp in 2021.
We made the decision in April to open this summer and James, Wanakee’s Executive Director, kicked it into high gear. We had no summer staff hired, none of our normal vendor arrangements in place, no nurses and no volunteers scheduled to come to camp. We didn’t even know if we’d be allowing volunteers to come and serve on a weekly basis. We didn’t know what level of social distancing, masking, bubbles/pods/cohorts or testing would be required to make in person camping a reality in 2021.
I could write a lot about overcoming the many challenges that were both anticipated and totally unanticipated, but as my time serving on the Board concludes after 10 years, my focus is instead on saying thank you.
Celebration in the Outdoor Chapel at Sunset
Thank you to those who played a part in bringing campers back to Wanakee this summer. Thank you to James and Hannah for running a safe summer season. Thank you to the entire summer staff for giving of yourselves to this ministry. Thank you to the 239 campers and their families who brought joy and life to 75 Upper New Hampton Road again. Thank you to the many volunteers who came to prepare our facility for the summer season and to close it down afterwards. Thank you to the Board and Committee members for your ongoing service. Thank you to our summer volunteers and to our Health Officers: Paula Forest, Carrie Way, Regina Bowler, Sam Shaw-Wilgoski, and Dr. Laura Fry. Thank you to Edith and Tim for literally saving our bacon in the kitchen. Thank you to our entire community for your thoughts and prayers for a safe and Spirit-filled summer. Thank you to our donors who have helped sustain our operations during this time.
We are indebted to each of you for your support in whichever form that may come. It is because of this community that Wanakee has been able to continue in ministry for 60+ years now, and we need your ongoing support as we rebuild the on-site ministry in the coming years.
Do you feel called to be involved in a new or different way? Please get in touch with us at mail@wanakee.org. We can’t wait to hear from you.
Grace and Peace,
Nicole Richards
Wanakee Board of Directors, 2011-2021