2019: Year in Review
Merry Christmas from Wanakee!
I joined Wanakee full-time in early 2016, unsure of what was possible. Four years later, I am constantly amazed at the dedication of this community and deeply inspired by your support and generosity. I am so grateful to each and every one of you for creating and sustaining something truly unique in today’s world; a place where what we have in common is felt so much more strongly than what divides us, a place where people of all ages feel accepted for who they are, a place where a diverse community of faith can share in deep reflection and sacred peace.
Sr. High Campers
There are so many highlights from 2019, and I want to share just a few of the reasons to celebrate the year that was:
There are so many highlights from 2019, and I want to share just a few of the reasons to celebrate the year that was:
By the end of February, 200+ campers were signed up for camp, the most in more than a decade. This provided confidence to hire five additional staff and gave us time to prepare for an even bigger summer for our camping program.
In March, our first ever “Campfire Connections” took place with over 50 participants. This new school-year program welcomes any and all who are eager to stay connected, experience the compelling acceptance of the Wanakee community, and strengthen their roots in faith.
In May, a volunteer team put a new roof on the Rec Hall in two days. The weekend was long, demanding, and spirit-filled. Even on the longest, most arduous days, Wanakee people like you create community rich in joy and fellowship.
In June, you made Wanakee the top-raising non-profit organization in the state of New Hampshire during NH Gives. We had never participated before, and dare I say, many of the other 200+ organizations had never heard of us, but there we were at #1 after 24 hours, with a $1,000 prize as icing on the cake. What a powerful and proud statement of love and generosity.
This summer, you encouraged friends and family to experience time at camp, and we grew our programs for the 4th straight year. Wanakee exists to positively impact lives through experiences in Christian community, and you are helping us serve more people, more effectively.
You n me campers
These five highlights are just a glimpse of the many significant experiences this year. As we achieve our summer ministry on a larger scale, develop more ways to build and support Christian community year-round, complete significant facilities improvements, and develop our year-round leadership base, there are hundreds of positive moments worthy of gratitude. Thank you for sustaining those moments.
I also want to share some remarkable financial benchmarks from 2019. This past summer, we distributed over $21,000 in camperships through confidential applications, and an additional $23,000 in support through our tier-pricing, pay-what-you-can program. Your support makes camp accessible to all, regardless of finances. Also in 2019, Wanakee was able to invest over $100,000 in facility repairs and improvements. That’s a remarkable number, and only possible because of your support. These needs are not going away. Our buildings and grounds are charming, historic, and in need of significant investment so we can continue serving campers effectively and safely.
I write to ask that you help create one final “wow” moment in 2019 through an end-of-year gift in support of Wanakee’s mission. I hope you know how meaningful every donation is for a small organization like this one. Thank you for everything you do to sustain this beautiful spiritual place in the hills, and I look forward to experiencing 2020’s life-changing moments alongside you.
Grace and Peace,
James B. Tresner
Executive Director
Stay Connected
Wanakee by the Numbers in 2019
559: total campers, a 5.1% increase over 2018
58: years of operation
101: volunteers during our 3 volunteer Work Days
77: volunteers during summer 2019
6,941: hours of volunteering given during the summer
$21,335: value of camp scholarships provided, 56% more than 2018
193: unique donors in 2019 (so far), 62% more than November 2018
26: summer staff (including 17 returners, 21 former campers and 3 internationals)
2,432: marshmallows enjoyed in s’mores and banana boats
429: pots of coffee served in the Dining Hall
1: 20’x40’ banquet tent purchased for overflow dining
2: dinner seatings held on a rainy night during our busiest week
123: registrations for the Wanakee Wilderness 5K, the most ever
54: United Methodist churches who sent campers to Wanakee
(Note: this letter and other information was mailed to over 550 Wanakee friends in mid-December. To be added to our mailing list, please email mail@wanakee.org)